This blog is for all the movie fans out there (and really, who DOESNT like movies?). The site will feature humorous critical posts about movies new and old, updates on my own experiences in the independent film industry, and a "Top 5 ____" list here and there. Reader feedback is encouraged and ultimately necessary for this blog's success, and to not hurt my feelings.


Next viewing assignment...

Since the last two films I watched were either slanted towards the chicks (Steel Magnolias) or the dudes (Black Hawk Down), I searched through my pile of surveys to find a favorite movie that would have appeal to both genders.

I ended up going with my film school buddy Brian's suggestion of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, a 2005 murder mystery starring Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer. I have seen this movie on TV, which we all know doesn't really count, so I am counting this as a first time viewing. Brian was mindful to point out that he doesn't have a true favorite movie- the "douche-bag cliche film student answer", he called it- but Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is "good shit" (I am quoting right off the survey). Thanks for the suggestion, Brian.

I will rent this post haste and get back to you all with my thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Knight and day looks like the most pathetic cash grab I have ever seen advertised. there was some other lame movie just like it with Angleina J. a few years back. I can give it zero stars without even seeing it. save your money bro. shame on u for considering that brainwashed dork's film to begin with. Rule #1: If it's not Risky Business, no Tom Cruise!
