This blog is for all the movie fans out there (and really, who DOESNT like movies?). The site will feature humorous critical posts about movies new and old, updates on my own experiences in the independent film industry, and a "Top 5 ____" list here and there. Reader feedback is encouraged and ultimately necessary for this blog's success, and to not hurt my feelings.



This is the first post. Hopefully, the first of many, many posts. But that depends on YOU.

This first week, I would like to see if I can get enough followers (maybe a dozen?) to have it make sense to post some sort of poll. I am planning on instituting a weekly "What New Release Should Greg See on its Opening Day" poll. That poll would run weekly every week.

Following the poll, I will go see whichever film gets the most votes on the day it comes out, rain or shine, long lines be damned, no questions asked, and post a blog afterward with my impressions of the film, the crazy fan-boys in costume, whatever it may be. So, if you want to get my thoughts on a movie you want to see but might be skeptical about, vote for it. If you prefer to torture me by sending me to the matinee of the newest Pokemon movie alongside 300 daycare kids, vote for it. Its all fair game.

Another weekly feature I am considering is the "Top Five ___". In this feature, I would pick an aspect of film, from the painfully obvious to the insanely obscure, (depending on how much time I want to spend thinking about it that given week), and choose my own "Top five" of ____ throughout film history. Reader comments of these posts would be greatly appreciated, if you have your own top 5 ___ especially! I will also consider posting a poll concerning these posts if my choices prove to be controversial (HA).

A third feature I have planned, which was ultimately my reason for founding this blog, is to write about movies that have been suggested to me by my close family and friends. At my graduation party, I asked all of my guests to answer a survey about their favorite movies. I made a solemn vow, and reiterate it now, to watch EVERY SINGLE ONE of their choices over the course of this summer. I don't know what I was smoking when I came up with that idea. Anyway, the responses ranged from the typical (The Godfather II) to the unfortunate (something called Super Dave). But nevertheless, I shall persevere. The authors of the surveys in question are presumably going to make up the bulk of this blog's readership for some time, so I will try to make it a twice weekly feature, but who knows how long that will last.

So, let this inaugural post serve as this blog's manifesto. I am going to keep it up at least for the summer, see where that takes us and how you like it.

Signing off-


  1. Yay! You started a blog! I thought your profile was funny. I hope you get some more followers lol

  2. oh man i'm totally following this! i don't understand at all what i'm doing but it's cool as long as i'm a greg follower it's all legit

  3. As soon as I get over jetlag and am not on a foreign computer, I'll sign up. You have called, cousin, and I shall follow! I like the voting idea. But, I think you should be required to dress up as a character from the chosen movie to give an insider's perspective on fan boy-ness.
    Keep it coming!

