This blog is for all the movie fans out there (and really, who DOESNT like movies?). The site will feature humorous critical posts about movies new and old, updates on my own experiences in the independent film industry, and a "Top 5 ____" list here and there. Reader feedback is encouraged and ultimately necessary for this blog's success, and to not hurt my feelings.


Top 5 Taxi Drivers in Film

Well, as I told you last week, I got a new job recently. This is the big reveal (for those of you who didn't hear about it already). I'm working at Yellow Cab, mostly because you can make your own hours, take days off or weeks off when need be, and I reckon one can meet lots of interesting characters, like these guys, who famously drove cabs in movies.

5. Jim Varney as Ernest P. Worrell in Ernest Saves Christmas

Confession: Ernest P. Worrell is a guilty pleasure of mine, which is why he beat several contenders for the last spot on this list. Yeah, Ernest movies are corny, cheaply produced and reuse many jokes. But the character of Ernest has a sweetness and innocence to him which is missing in today's comedies, and that should count for something. Plus, his version of "O Christmas Tree" is a holiday classic.

4. Robert Duvall as Weisberg in Bullitt

This movie came out right before Duvall's career exploded in the seventies, with major roles in such films as The Godfather parts 1 and 2, True Grit, Apocalypse Now, and Network. So this character is special because it was one of Duvall's last small roles before he made it big. Of course, now he does nothing BUT small roles, so the cycle is complete, I guess.

3. Jamie Foxx as Max in Collateral

Michael Mann directed this tense thriller about a cabbie who is taken hostage by a hitman and forced to drive him around as he kills several targets. Something like this probably actually happened, but I really don't want to know anymore.

2. Frank Faylen as Ernie in It's a Wonderful Life

Had to include this because it is one of my all time favorite movies. Ernie has a dual role, first as the friendly small-town cabbie who knows where everyone lives and probably gives rides for free, then as a more hard boiled, down on his luck taxi driver in the reality without George Bailey.

Speaking of hard boiled...

1. Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver

Honestly this one shouldn't require an explanation. Just know it is an awesome movie about a taxi driver who turns into a vigilante after witnessing the crumbling of society through his taxi windows.

Honorable mentions: Peter Falk in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element

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