This blog is for all the movie fans out there (and really, who DOESNT like movies?). The site will feature humorous critical posts about movies new and old, updates on my own experiences in the independent film industry, and a "Top 5 ____" list here and there. Reader feedback is encouraged and ultimately necessary for this blog's success, and to not hurt my feelings.


Featured New Release Poll- 8/20

Another week, another poll, but this isn't any poll. FOUR movies to choose this week, for the first time this summer.

First up is Piranhas 3D. An earthquake unleashes hordes of prehistoric piranhas on the reveling spring breakers, and chaos ensues, presumably. Looks to be one of the schlocky horror films of the SyFy variety (low budget, low scares, bad acting) but I will go see it if you vote it to be so!

Next is Lotto Ticket. Looks kinda meh but I will reserve judgement.

The Switch, a comedy with Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman, comes in at number three. In this one Bateman accidentally hijacks Aniston's artificial insemination, with predictably comic results.

Finally, Vampires Suck, from the same minds that inflicted the most recent rash of spoof films on the American viewing public. This film joins Epic Movie and Date Movie, in the filmmaker's impressive ouevre, several of which grace IMDB's Bottom 100 list. If I have to see this, I am hoping it isn't worthy of joining them on that list.


  1. OOOOps I voted for the wrong movie switch my vote over to The Switch no pun intended.

  2. Damn...... I feel SORRY for you this week! They all seem like they're gonna suck.

  3. Haha thanks, they do. Nanny McPhee is coming out this week too which I realized after posting the poll. Oops. haha


    That's good!... you probably wouldn't want to see Nanny McPhee either. Ick. Even though Emma Thompson IS good in her other stuff.
